Thursday, December 8, 2011


When I was a kid I had sports induced asthma. It made track difficult. They said I would run and you could se my face turn gray and I would just keep running. They didn't understand, when they asked me why, I said "I didn't want to let my teammates down." (I ran in some relays). I have been having some problems this pregnancy. Shortness of breath, speedy heart/chest, extreme fatigue, headache for 2 weeks straight, dizziness. On quick investigation it was found my iron levels were much lower, drastically lower then the last time they were checked. I have stopped eating dairy foods after about 3, really trying to pack in iron rich foods and taking floradix in the evening. The dizziness and headache has gone away but not the shortness of breath. I am not AS exhausted but still pretty tired. I was laying in bed trying hard to breath and it was just HARD.I would take these giant breaths and still not feel like my lungs had filled up. That's when I realized I think it is asthma. This is what my sister described, she had asthma all the time it was triggered by activity, stress, allergies. I have never had an attack when I wasn't running so I wasn't sure what it felt like. I think I have developed stress induced asthma. The stress is also why I am still tired, I often lay awake for an hour or so in the middle of the night my mind racing with all the things bugging me. The house and the condition it's in, how much colder it will be inside this year then in the past, Christmas, the girls birthdays, the new baby and all the things we need for that, my moms horrible health and her financial situation. I don't really know what to do about the stress we aren't exactly in a position to make the stressers go away. Chris can't work less, I can't make my mom better, the baby will come, Christmas will come, the girls birthdays will come. I can't decide what my mom will do about where she lives or what she chooses to do. I think I need to go see a regular doctor to see if there is anything I can do about the asthma, I imagine it can't be good for the Baby if I can't get in enough air. I will call the midwives later today and my sister to confirm that this is what asthma feels like.

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