Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mrs. Green came to visit

Hubs called, at first I thought something might be wrong since he doesn't generally call. Nope, he had just seen that he had missed calls from me. I was happy he called, and I had been having a good morning but then the green monster Jealousy set in, I hate that bitch. Here's the thing, he has off most weekends, he CAN NOT WORK. But it's too expensive to fly him home (is it really? They still pay him 1/2 pay, they give him his per diam, they have to pay for a hotel still, so it would probably be cheaper to fly him home) so there he stays with two whole glorious days off. Yesterday he went fishing with his friend and his friend's son. Today he is doing laundry and driving back to his hotel (he's been staying at his friend's house), and every evening after work is time to himself, to do with what he wants. Hang with his friend, watch movies, go places or whatever else he wants to do. I, being a stay at home mom, always work, yes there is downtime but at any moment you can be called to duty. Even when he is home I am always on, I just get occasional breaks or I don't have to do absolutely everything by myself. Now I am always ALWAYS on, the only person here to do everything. To answer every single need of the kids, to clean, to cook, to do the man stuff, the woman stuff, the everything.

I know when I tell people how I get jealous they just think "well what's he supposed to do, he's out of town." yes, I GET this. I fucking get it!!! It doesn't really matter though, reason just doesn't always matter when you are faced with feelings. He is still getting time off and I am not. I am sure some people think, well you are the one that had 3 kids. Yes, I know this! Of course when I made the decision to have 3 kids, Hubs was working in state, so I wasn't doing it by myself.

Okay I have to stop now, because I am sounding way too pathetic. I have just gotten over a horrible headache that made me alternately want to vomit or pass out it was so bad. I was in a good mood before the call b/c my friend had her little baby today and I am super excited to find out his name and see pictures and hear all about it. So I am going to now transfer my energy to her little Fluff baby and making Biggest's nature play date fun, she actually arranged the whole thing and got supplies ready. Yes, I think I have VERY cool kids.

1 comment:

  1. I get that way too sometimes. Though I would never want to have a job working for anyone else ever again, getting to eat lunch and be able to taste it, have it be warm/cold when it's supposed to be and not have someone else steal it sounds really nice. So does sleeping through the night, taking showers and having my clothes magically appear clean in a basket. The green monster hangs heavy on lots of SAHM's.
